Wednesday, August 10, 2011

London Riots

Unless you are living under a rock somewhere, you will know that there have been riots in London and other major cities in England.  I'm going to be incredibly lazy and link a great post written by one of my fellow ex-pat, blog friends Betsy.  I think it gives you a good summary of whats been happening across the pond...

I do want to let you all know that as of last night nothing happened in London, but Manchester was hit pretty badly.  I am on high alert, being very cautious and just heading home after work.  The riots got a little to close for comfort on Monday night as it was happening about 10 minutes from my flat.  Needless to say, I hope this all stops soon. 



  1. Thanks for the update. I am happy to hear you are ok and safe.

  2. This thing about the riots is pretty sad... I hope things are back to normal now.
