Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Accentuate the Positive

A few weeks back I had a major meltdown, we're talking Chernobyl sized, on the phone with my mom.  What set me off is inconsequential, but a lot of things came out in that phone call that made me realize I need to turn things around.  I do not want to be Mary Miserable, someone who always looks for what could go wrong in any good situation.  It's no fun and who wants to be around someone who is worrying all the time?  So in the last few weeks I have tried to make some changes. My mom gave me a real simple solution...stop worrying about everything and a friend told me to make a list of things that I want and start small even if it is something like new socks. So between my (saintly) mother and my friend I've worked on just that.  It also helps that the weather has been incredible in London recently and I've also started running again.  Every time I think about running I think about this...

But you know what...its true.  I go for a run and while I am exhausted, dripping with sweat and the colour of pink highlighter I feel great, I feel accomplished!  

Speaking of running...I've started reading this book
Its hilarious, motivating and very helpful.  I've only just began it yesterday, but I have recommended it to about 3 people already.  If you didn't already know, I pretty much HATE running.  Every time I lace up my trainers I curse my life, but I have to admit I have found it to be a bit easier since I've seen how it makes me feel. Now this book is going to help a bit more I hope.  

Oh and I have some really exciting news...I'm all booked up for Paris in May!  The tickets are booked and this weekend the hotel was booked.  I am beyond excited!  I feel like it was so far away when we booked it, but now its only a month away.  I can see it now!
ps~ I want a large print of this for my bedroom

So I have to tell you all....things are good!  I'm embracing positivity.  I'm looking forward to things and I am not worrying about everything under the sun.  Chin up!


  1. Hang in there, Jean! Good luck with your running too. I might need to check out that book as well. Hope it's available in the States too.

  2. Embracing positivity is great! I had the sluggish/dark of winter and Spring weather helps. And you know Paris will make you feel even better than before so you can look forward to that!

  3. Thanks ladies for your kind words!
