Sunday, July 11, 2010

An ExPat Observation

So maybe I am not yet and expat, but I will be soon.  However, this is what I have noticed when doing some "research" online to read about other people who have made (or are making) the move to London...lot's of people do it for LOVE.

I feel like I am the only person making the trek "just because" and I'm a little jealous.  I mean, don't get me wrong, this has been something I have wanted and talked about for 11 years and now I am finally doing it!  But it does make me a little sad that I don't have the love of my life over there waiting anxiously for me to arrive.  My friend Barrie is convinced that I will meet someone over there, but who knows?! Only time will tell, as you are reading this, you will find out what happens on my London adventures. I look forward and am opening myself up for anything to happen when I am there.  Here's to new adventures and to see if love comes my way too :)


  1. Don't be jealous - think of all the adventures you will have dating in London! Trust me, British men (at least mine!) are great :)s

  2. Trust me, when you go British, you'll never go back! :-D London is full of adventures and opportunities for meeting cool people--definitely the perfect backdrop to fall in love!
    Good luck with your move! I look forward to hearing about your transition!

  3. Ohh, but I'm certain you'll make lots of friends and find love.:) I adore your blog to bits and pieces! You're wonderful, perfect, inspiring.. truly enchanting and I'll be following for sure.xx
    ps; I'd love to move to London as well when I am 18.:D

  4. Thank you ladies for reading along! We'll see what happens :) xoxo
